
D Y Patil International School, Mihan, Nagpur provides transport facility to its students. Students can avail school buses, subject to the availability of seats. The routes followed by the buses will be drawn up well in advance and the parents should consult the Transport Incharge for the necessary details.

Transport Rules

  1. No student will be allowed to travel by school bus without an Identity Card.
  2. Students using the school bus are expected to be at the bus stop, at least five minutes before the arrival time of the bus.
  3. The buses will not wait for any late comers.
  4. Students should stay away from the main road and approach the bus only when it comes to a complete halt.
  5. All students must occupy seats immediately after boarding their buses.
  6. The drivers are authorized to stop buses at the designated stop only unless otherwise directed by the bus teacher. The list of stops is prepared keeping in view the convenience and safety of all bus commuters and is subject to
    change. No diversion/extension will be entertained on existing routes.
  7. When the bus is in motion, students must sit on their seat and refrain from leaning out, peeping out or standing on the footboard.
  8. Objects of any kind must not be discarded inside or thrown out of the bus. No student shall act so as to divert the attention of the driver. Such students, if found guilty, are liable to be debarred from traveling by the school
  9. Students will be held responsible for any damage to buses caused by negligence or vandalism.
  10. Unruly behavior like shrieking and shouting inside the bus is strictly prohibited.
  11. Lists of students and stops will be available in the respective buses.
  12. The bus teachers and student bus monitors are responsible for maintaining discipline in the buses. Any serious offense must be reported to the Principal.
  13. Parents should ensure that their wards are always escorted to and from bus stops. For those children who for any reason, have to travel unescorted to and from their stops, an application mentioning the same must be sent to the
  14. Please do not enter school buses to see off or receive your wards.
  15. Please do not overtake or stop the school bus to facilitate the boarding of your ward as it endangers the safety of the children.
  16. Please do not get into an argument with the teachers, conductor or driver present in the bus. In case of problem, please reach out to the school office.

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